Conversion to organic production
Domaine de l’Ile des Embiez
- 10 ha vineyard on an island in the Mediterranean with constraints due to the coastal environment.
- Growing wine tourism from April to October thanks to an international reputation, that nevertheless requires vigilance and protection of the environment.
- Decreasing production
Issue to be resolved
- Under-productive vineyard
- Conversion to organic
- Increase vineyard production
- Adapting tools and working methods to the local ecosystem (wildlife and flora) in the context of busy tourism and protecting the environment
- Give new information to the vineyard, so that it can nourish itself and develop into a balanced ecosystem
- Audit by an agronomist and biologist specialized in plants
- Recommendation and implementation of a 3 year-plan for organic conversion
- Draining of soil/restoration of hedges to provide protection against the wind
- Mixing of green and organic fertilizers
Indicators of success
- Rehabilitation of the ecosystem
- Good production in 2017 despite a dry year and major water stress within a context in which European production was generally down by around 40%
- Some plots over-reacted while others under-reacted in year one, allowing us to map the vineyard’s strengths and develop a tailored solution for the following years.
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